
God and Religion #4

My wife and I were married in that nice Catholic church in Redondo Beach California on a warm summer day in the year 2000.

It was a traditional service with a full blown mass. Friends read off scripture and we took communion. We lit candles and sat, kneeled and stood our way into holy matrimony.

After the wedding, we went back to our non-church going ways. We "believed" in God and Jesus and all the typical Christian things. We went to mass like any other good catolic... On Christmas and Easter.

We quickly found a house to purchase and moved from our rental to a small community about 50 miles east of Los Angeles.

I was assigned to a new unit at work where I met a person who would play a vital roll in my roller coaster ride through Christianity.

Dan, my superviosr, is a hardcore, devout, bible believeing, evangelical, christian. It's no exaggeration to compare him to the likes of Ned Flanders from the television cartoon The Simpsons.

He invited my now pregnant wife and I to his home.

This invitation would eventually change everything.

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