
An introduction into my great life

My journey began at USCMC Medical Center in East Los Angeles California. It was late June, mom got to spend the fourth of July at the hospital with me. She often told me that the fireworks outside the window were no match for the ones going on in her heart as she got to know her first born son.

We lived briefly in the Rampart area of Los Angeles before moving up to central California for a few years. We then wound our way back to the South Bay, and called Inglewood our home for the next18 years.

I grew up in a hard working home with my parents and brother. Mom and dad did the best they could do for us, often working long hours just to make ends meet. We were "latch key" kids, and learned how to look out for ourselves. I began walking to school by myself in the second grade. That's about oh, about 7 years old or so. Something I would NEVER consider allowing my own kids to do. But hey, it was the 70's.....

I was a student of the Inglewood unified School District until the 9th grade when I used the address of a family friend to gain access to El Segundo High.

I graduated in June of 1989 by the skin of my teeth. Enrolled at El Camino College ( ESHS 13th grade) and became an E.M.T. (ambulance driver).

I was the youngest employee of the company at age 18 when I was hired. What a great job that was. I'd probably still be doing that job if only the pay were better. By design, they don't pay much. This makes it more of a stepping stone job than a career. They keep it that way so that the turn over rate stays high, and pay wages stay low. It's more cost effective for the company. But man, what a fun job.

I enlisted in The United States Marine Corps as a reservist, and was attached to "B" Battery 1/14 out of Pico Rivera.

That opened the door to Law Enforcement. More on that later.

I got married, and have three great kids.

That's the short, Readers Digest version of the story. I'll fill you in as the blog goes on.

Please feel free to share your thoughts with comments. Thanks, 13 Under The Gun

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